Monday, October 5, 2009

2300 PRSSA's website

I went onto PRSSA's website today and was surprisingly disappointed. Upon first glance the home page is overwhelming and has so much information and options it is confusing. There is so much small font sentences to go through, that unless you know exactly what you're looking for and are familiar with the website, you will be looking for a long time.

The taskbar at the top of the website has 14 options plus a search bar. I'm sure those could be reorganized and consoladated. There are five tabbed options on the main page: highlights, blogs, what's new, tactics and the strategist outline, and events. Under each tab there are bulletpoints with much text and multiple links. The links are obviously helpful, providing you with more information if you wish, but there seems to be an overload of information and in very small font.

Overall, the website seemed like it needed to be revamped. I expected much more from PRSSA. There is a great deal of information to be had, and they are experts; however, the smal text and information overload let the common user to be confused and frustrated.

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