Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2300 Ft Hood

Recently, there was a shooter who killed and injured over 40 people in the Fort Hood shooting. At first report, there was information that the shooter, Maj. Nidal Hasan was dead and had been shot on the scene. Later this information was recanted, and it was stated that he was in a hospital listed under critical, yet stable condition.

On Saturday, November 7, he was taken off a ventilater and able to talk. This is the most recent information we, as the general public, have. My question is this, why the false information? Was it simply an error (I doubt it), or was there a PR reason for telling the media originally that he was dead?

I can understand in a local situation in order to keep people from panicing more than they already are, to misinform them to control the situation. Is that all this was? Or is there a deeper reason for it?

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