Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2300 US House Rebukes Heckler Lawmaker

Mr. Wilson shouted 'you lie!' to President Obama during his latest speech. BBC News reported on the Congressional meeting that took place after debating on what the punishment should be for Sen. Wilson. The decision was reached 240-179 in favor of the resolution that his conduct was a 'breach of decorum'.

The Democrats claimed it was a matter of civility, and he should be punished; whereas the Republican party seems less concerned, noting that there was much more important matters that should be taking us their time.

This PR crisis for Wilson was handled as smoothly as can be expected. He personally apologized to Pres. Obama and said, "Mr Obama graciously accepted my apology and the issue is over." He has apologized, addressed the issue in a concise matter, and is now attempting to move on. There is no doubt the democrat that runs against him in 2010 will bring this incident up, but the true test of his PR will be in how much wieght the public puts into this issue. That will be most notably decided if he gets reelected.

1 comment:

  1. I heard he refused to apologize sighting 'free speech' as the reason for his un-timely comment. Regardless, this is a really good case. As a PR consultant, what advice would you give him to be able to continue to campaign for his issues, contrary to those of the President, without encountering negative press about his outburst?
