Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2300 The Truth About Public Speaking

"The Truth About Public Speaking," was written by Ed Barks, about what to look for in a good public speaker. Whether it is a guest speaker in a class or a presentation at work, there are many different ways to be an interactive and enjoyable speaker.

Body language is a major clue. Is the speaker standing like a statue or moving around, engaged in his/her presentation. It isn't very hard to determine if a presenter is excited and wants to be at the event or is just going through the motions. Do they vary their voice to grab your attention? Are 'props' (i.e. multimedia presentations of any kind) there to further help your understanding or distract from it?

Overall, this was an interesting article that opened my eyes to the more obvious things that people always notice. Often in PR so much time and effort is spent in researching every little detail and determining the psychological behaviors of our audience the basics can be overlooked. Even if you are comfortable in front of a crowd, little reminders such as not just standing in one place, is good basics to remember.

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